Medical Laboratory Scientist

Essential Functions



下面是一种冗长的方式来说明你必须有视觉敏锐度, hand-eye coordination, discrimination of colors, 有效沟通的能力, 要足够强壮,能举起适当的重物, 心理稳定,能够做出合乎道德的决定.


这些标准是根据1973年《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》第504节制定的, 《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》以及临床实验室科学国家认证机构(NAACLS)项目和临床实验室科学基本要求采用的医疗技术人员/临床实验室科学家认可教育计划标准和指南.

由于工作的医疗技术人员/临床实验室科学家所要求的任务性质, 某些物理特性是必需的. 每个学生都必须有合理的视觉灵敏度,足够的身体灵活性和精细的运动技能,以及双手的手指/手的灵活性, in a timely and efficient manner, to do the following:

Learning Skills
遵循口头和书面指示. 根据课程要求,观察实验演示并参与实验程序. 及时完成指定的阅读作业并查找/评估指定的文献, 完成所有书面作业和记录, 并在需要时使用电脑进行作业和病人护理. Solve problems and think critically. 将知识、技能和价值观应用到新的环境中. 独立编写论文和实验报告, and take paper, computer-assisted, and laboratory practical examinations.

Communication Skills
Communicate effectively in written and spoken English; comprehend and respond to both formal and colloquial English; and appropriately interpret nonverbal communication signals. 各种沟通方式可以是面对面的、电话的或书面的.

Visual Acuity
Read written materials, charts, graphs, and instrument scales; and identify and distinguish objects macroscopically and microscopically.

方便地从一个地方移动到另一个地方,如临床实验室, patient areas, corridors, and elevators. 出差到不同的临床地点进行实践培训.

Small Motor Skills
Safely handle specimens and laboratory reagents; manipulate instruments, including handling small objects; adjusting dials/knobs and manipulate other laboratory materials (e.g.(移液器),以完成任务. 使用电子键盘计算、记录、评估和传输实验室信息.

Personal Physical Requirements
表现出足够的耐力来忍受高体力负荷和工作环境,如长时间坐在或站在显微镜或其他实验室设备前. 举起和移动至少20磅重的物体. 辨别物体的纹理和温度.

Safety Awareness
Work safely with potential chemical, radiologic, 和生物危害,并按照规定的指导方针与所有潜在的危害工作, including mechanical and electrical.

Professional Skills
Follow written and verbal directions; work independently and with others; prioritize requests and work concurrently on at least two different tasks; maintain alertness and concentration during a normal work period.

Personal Stability
表现出良好的心理健康状况,以应对主管的要求, coworkers and others in a collegial manner; Recognize emergency situations and respond with appropriate actions. 在压力和分散注意力的环境中保持高水平的能力.

尊重自己和他人,表现出专业的形象和举止, including qualities of confidence, personal integrity, and appropriate appearance. Critically evaluate own performance, accept constructive criticism, and plan self-improvement activities.


所有学生都必须按照所描述的标准完成课程的这些基本功能,无论是否有合理的安排. 需要住宿的学生应通过学生主任提出具体住宿要求.